Soul Truth Archaeology

Are you ready?

Unearthing your soul truth is a bit like archaeology—you’re digging through layers and layers and years and years of other peoples’ opinions and false beliefs about yourself. Things that have gotten so deeply ingrained in you that it seems impossible to believe they aren’t true. Trust me, they aren’t.

Soul archaeology is fun. It can also be intimidating, and hard, and downright terrifying. Don’t let that stop you. The rewards of what you discover will infinitely outweigh the pain of digging.

This is the exact reason I am doing this work. I’ve been where you are, scared, alone, unsure. Feeling like, “Who am I to stand out, to think anyone cares what I have to say?”

To borrow from the wisdom of Marianne Williamson, WHO ARE YOU NOT TO? It serves no one to keep yourself small. There is no other being on this planet that has your unique gifts, your passions and experience and insight. Your soul.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.

Marianne Williamson

Once we no longer see magic in the world, we lose the ability to fully experience life. And methodically, or sometimes in a massive supernova explosion, our souls wither and fade…and, if we don’t do something different, eventually they die.

We’re taught to believe we aren’t enough, chasing the impossible misaligned definition of success, and to suck it up because life isn’t fair. But the reality is, we can’t truly experience life if we look at it as a never-ending to-do list of tasks and assignments. This is not life—this is following someone else’s directions, someone else’s agenda. It is a perpetual hamster wheel of hell, trading time and passions for money and “success”.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’ll be right!

The soul does not measure time; it only measures growth.

Here’s a hard learned secret: success does not = knowing how to do stuff. Success = knowing how to learn, grow, and thrive within and despite circumstances. When you’re not living from integrity, you’re not living.

I know this all sounds cheery and idealistic and that so much of self-growth work is presented like, “Hey, look at me! I moved past all the shitty stuff and life is great, now don’t you want to be here too?” I’m gonna be straight with you: this soul work is tough work. It’s really hard. At times it’s downright devastating. It fucking sucks. It may break your heart, but in the process, it will fill your heart beyond measure.

Soul truths can be profound, or sometimes mundane. They can be evasive, they can come out of nowhere and blindside you. Or they can show up in brilliant Technicolor, a double rainbow after a catastrophic hurricane.

You know you’re on the right path when you can show up and be real and vulnerable in all your messy, confused and uncertain glory. When you can hold fast to what you know is right for you, even if it’s not what someone else wants. When you learn to own your own value and worth fiercely, and what you bring to the world. You will feel it in the deepest recesses of your body. And your tolerance for compromising your soul truth will shrink exponentially until you can’t imagine not showing up authentically.

Let's Do This.